Benefits for the skin salt

Benefits for the skin salt

Shows that the salt a definite effect on the cleanliness of the skin, teeth and nails too!!


Valmlh helps to get rid of dead cells.

Pour a little salt on a damp cloth with warm water.

Then rub your face gently and gracious kindness and then my moisturizer appropriate for your skin.


In addition, the salt helps to remove dead skin .. It also helps to stimulate blood circulation.

National Bdek shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles coarse salt .. warm bath before it helps to smooth the skin and gives you the freshness and vitality also helps to dry the minor wounds.


اغمسي finger with water and then salt and then rub your teeth to remove any traces of dental materials stuck ..

And you'll feel refreshed then Amadamada after it with cold water, use this method once a week with a guard not raking salt gums.

You can also work means a component of a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water is used to rinse which is useful in cases of mouth sores and infections and helps to get rid of them.


In order to keep a beautiful nails strong and true .. Mix a teaspoon of egg yolks well and add to it: tablespoons honey and salt and then stirring the mixture well.

Rub your nails well and let the mixture for half an hour then Htafa fingers thoroughly with cold water and salt.

Repeat this process every week